Dienstag, 03 September 2019 19:44

Rethinking Wood

Rethinking Wood
Future Dimensions of Timber Assembly
Hrsg. v. Markus Hudert und Sven Pfeiffer

Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel

1. Auflage, 2019

gebunden 256 Seiten,

60 farbige Abb.

Sprache: Englisch

Größe: 18.5 x 27 cm

Montag, 02 September 2019 14:32

Architektur und Literatur

Architektur und Literatur
Hrsg. Rolf E. Maaß
Edition Arkitek (Kulturexpress Verlag)
1. Auflage 2018, Frankfurt am Main
Sachbuch, broschiert, 48 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-98146909-7

Samstag, 10 August 2019 20:01

Flächen und Rauminhalte

Flächen – Rauminhalte
DIN 277 und alle relevanten Richtlinien – Kommentar, Erläuterungen, Bildbeispiele
Herausgegeben von Bert Bielefeld und Peter Fröhlich
Springer Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden
17. Auflage, 2019
gebundene Ausgabe, 155 Seiten
17 s/w Abb. u. 76 Abb. in Farbe
Größe: 16,8 x 24 cm
ISBN: 978-3658209087

Freitag, 02 August 2019 17:04

Bauhaus Imaginista

Bauhaus Imaginista
Die globale Rezeption bis heute
Herausgegeben von Marion von Osten und Grant Watson
Scheidegger & Spiess, Zürich

1. Auflage, 2019
Gebunden, 312 Seiten, 193 farbige und 13 sw Abb.
Größe: 24 x 30,5 x 3,3 cm
ISBN 978-3-85881-623-8

Freitag, 02 August 2019 14:59

Hannes Meyers neue Bauhauslehre

Hannes Meyers neue Bauhauslehre
Von Dessau bis Mexiko
(Hrsg.) Philipp Oswalt
Bauwelt Fundamente 164
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel
1. Auflage, 2019
kartoniert, 560 Seiten
ISBN 978-3-035617-24-5
eBook (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-0356-1735-1
eBook (EPUB)
ISBN 978-3-0356-1725-2

Freitag, 02 August 2019 14:14

Bauten für die Bildung

Bauten für die Bildung
Basler Schulbauten von 1845 bis 2015 im internationalen Kontext
von Ernst Spycher
Schwabe Verlag, Basel
1. Auflage, 2018
gebundene Ausgabe, 451 Seiten
Größe: 21,5 x 4,4 x 27,2 cm
ISBN: 978-3796536182

Freitag, 02 August 2019 12:56

Das Neue Frankfurt (mit)gestalten

Der Kunstschuldirektor und Kulturpolitiker Fritz Wichert (1878-1951)
von Carina Danzer
Studien zur Frankfurter Geschichte, Band 64, Hrsg. Evelyn Brockhoff
Societäts Verlag
Frankfurt am Main
1. Auflage, 2018
gebunden, 360 Seiten
ISBN: 978-3-95542-284-4
Designed by BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group and FREAKS freearchitects, MÉCA creates a frame for the celebration of contemporary art, film and performances, giving Bordeaux the gift of art-filled public space from the waterfront to the city’s new urban room. They folds three arts institutions into one cultural loop for Bordeaux, Nouvelle-Aquitaine.
Images by Laurian Ghinitoiu, Release: BIG - Bjarke Ingels Group
BIG Meca Bordeaux 02Centrally located between the River Garonne and Saint-Jean train station, the new 18,000 m² Maison de l’Économie Créative et de la Culture en Aquitaine, MÉCA, brings together three regional arts agencies – FRAC for contemporary art, ALCA for cinema, literature and audiovisuals, and OARA for performing arts – into a loop, cementing the UNESCO-listed city as the epicenter for culture. BIG and FREAKS were selected to design the new home for the region’s contemporary art and culture by the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine in 2012. MÉCA was inaugurated with BIG Founding Partner Bjarke Ingels, Associate Architects FREAKS, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region President Alain Rousset and the Minister of Culture Franck Riester, with the Presidents and Directors of FRAC, ALCA and OARA in attendance.
“The multiplicity of the flows and functions of MÉCA, which welcomes both the actors of the regional creative ecosystem on the one hand and activities that enjoy the public on the other hand, makes the building a dynamic tool to stimulate creation. BIG perfectly understood the complexity of grouping three cultural institutions, the circulation between professionals and the general public, and the insertion of the building within Bordeaux.” Alain Rousset, President, Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine.

The building is conceived as a single loop of cultural institutions and public space by extruding the pavement of the promenade to become the ramp that leads into the urban living room, the façade with glimpses into the stage towers of OARA and the offices of ALCA, and the rooftop enclosing the sky-lit galleries of FRAC.

BIG Meca Bordeaux 03“When a region or a city invests millions in a major new cultural institution, it often ends up benefiting only the informed few that already have an interest in the arts. Not only does MÉCA spill its activities into the public realm and the urban room, but the public is also invited to walk around, through, above and below the new cultural gateway. By inviting the arts into the city and the city into the arts, MÉCA will provide opportunities for new hybrids of cultural and social life beyond the specific definitions of its constituent parts.” Bjarke Ingels, Founding Partner & Creative Director, BIG.
A series of steps and ramps lead the public directly into the 1,100 m² outdoor urban room at the core of MÉCA, creating a porous institution for visitors to roam freely between the Quai de Paludate street to the river promenade. A 7m high MÉCA sign illuminates the space with white LED lights, like a modern chandelier at the scale of the urban room.
“The urban room is at once a frame for the artwork, a stage for the performances, a screening room for the media collections and most perhaps most importantly, an open room for the urban life of Bordeaux to invade and engage with the arts. Giant windows overlooking the urban room offers views to the dance studio of OARA and on the opposite end, an inclined mirror reflects the lobby below. The visitors are almost participating in an installation, just by being there. In addition, large bleachers on either side of the building invites people to hang out and enjoy amazing views of the River Garonne and the city.” Jakob Sand, Partner, BIG.
During special occasions, MÉCA’s outdoor spaces can be transformed into a stage for concerts and theatrical spectacles or an extended gallery for sculptures and other art installations. A permanent bronze sculpture depicting a half-head of Hermes by French artist Benoît Maire intersects with the entrance on the riverside, inviting visitors to reflect on the contemporary culture of the region.
BIG Meca Bordeaux 04“Benoît’s Hermes head is placed right where the big public space cuts through the building, almost as if a giant block has been pushed through and half the head has been removed along with half of the building. The piece of the head that is missing is also the piece of the building that is missing. The missing pieces are maybe the most interesting parts for the building because this is where all the public events and activities can happen, and for the sculpture because that's the part that is left open for people's interpretation.” Bjarke Ingels.
Upon entering MÉCA from the ground floor, visitors arrive at the lobby where they can relax in the spiral pit or dine at the restaurant Le CREM, furnished with red furniture and cork chairs designed by BIG in reference to the city known for wine.
“The three regional entities composing the program are idiomatic to the French public way of supporting and promoting culture all over the territory. Working on the MÉCA building in Bordeaux is a great occasion to cross views and balance between international references and local issues.” Guillaume Aubry, Cyril Gauthier and Yves Pasquet, Founding Partners, FREAKS freearchitects.
BIG Meca Bordeaux 11A giant periscope by the restaurant and elevators allows visitors to see the activity in the outdoor urban room and vise-versa, creating an indoor-outdoor dialogue.
On the same ground floor, those with tickets can enjoy performances in OARA’s 250-seat theatre featuring flexible seating configurations and acoustic systems optimized by an all-black checkerboard panel of concrete, wood and perforated metal. Upstairs, filmgoers can view screenings at ALCA’s red-accented 80-seat cinema or visit the two production offices and project incubation area.
FRAC occupies the upper floors with 7m high exhibition spaces, production studios for artists, storage facilities, 90-seat auditorium and café. The 850 m² public roof terrace serves as a flexible extension to the exhibition spaces, allowing future large-scale art installations and performances to be placed outdoors amid views of the city and the Basilica of St. Michael.
BIG Meca Bordeaux 12MÉCA’s façade is composed almost entirely of 4,800 prefabricated concrete panels interspersed with windows of various sizes to control the amount of light entering inside and to create a sense of transparency. The concrete slabs, which weigh up to 1.6 tons, are sandblasted to expose its raw qualities and to texture the surface with the local sandstone of Bordeaux. Yellow granules for brightness and warmth radiate the building in the sun and integrates MÉCA as a familiar yet new vernacular sight to the city.
MÉCA is BIG’s second project unveiled in France this year, following the opening of Galeries Lafayette on the Champs-Élysées, and marks exactly 10 years since the studio exhibited Yes is More at the arc en rêve centre d'architecture. Learn more about MÉCA many other BIG projects at our FORMGIVING exhibition at the Danish Architecture Center in Copenhagen, on view until January 5, 2020

Name: MÉCA - Maison de l’Économie Créative et de la Culture en Aquitaine
Type: Competition
Location: Bordeaux, FranceSize: 18,000 m² / 193,750 ft2
Client: Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Collaborators: FREAKS freearchitects, Lafourcade-Rouquette Architectes, ALTO Ingénierie, Khephren Ingénierie, Hedont, dUCKS Scéno, Dr. Lüchinger+Meyer Bauingenieure, VPEAS, Ph.A Lumière, ABM Studio, Mryk & Moriceau, BIG Ideas
Donnerstag, 30 Mai 2019 10:33

Messe Frankfurt saniert Messehalle 6


Wenn am 16. Oktober 2019 die Frankfurter Buchmesse mit dem Gastland Norwegen öffnet, ist die technische Revitalisierung der Halle 6 beendet. Die etwas größere Schwester der Halle 5, nach einem Entwurf des Architekten Martin Schoenmakers errichtet und zur Frühjahrsmesse 1963 in Betrieb genommen, wird dann innen und außen wie neu sein.



Im Zuge der Neugestaltung des Regionalbahnhofs Flughafen in Frankfurt am Main wird der gesamte Innenbereich an ein neues architektonisches Gesamtkonzept der unterirdischen S-Bahn-Station angepasst. Die vorgefertigten Wandelemente, Glas auf Trockenbauplatte, ermöglichen eine schnelle Montage vor Ort. Sie sind eine innenarchitektonisch nachhaltige Lösung, weil sie für zukünftige Anforderungen flexibel einsetzbar sind.


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