"Wem gehört die Stadt?" Neue Studie zu Immobilieneigentum in Berlin
PERI druckt erstes Wohnhaus Deutschlands
Turm der Frankfurter Dreikönigskirche wird saniert
Stefan Forster Architekten - Wohnungsbau 1989-2019
Stefan Forster Architekten - Wohnungsbau 1989-2019
Herausgegeben und mit einem Vorwort von Stefan Forster.
Mit einem Essay von Michael Mönninger und Texten von Benjamin Pfeifer
Fotografien von Lisa Farkas und Jean-Luc Valentin
Park Books, Zürich, 1. Auflage, 2020
Text Deutsch und Englisch
Gebunden, 342 Seiten
256 farbige und 108 sw Abbildungen
Grundrisse, Schnitte und Lagepläne
Größe: 23 x 30 cm
ISBN 978-3-03860-180-7
Architektur lesen! Die neue Öffentlichkeit. Europäische Stadtplätze des 21. Jahrhunderts
Die neue Öffentlichkeit | Europäische Stadtplätze des 21. Jahrhunderts
von Hilde Barz-Malfatti und Stefan Signer
m books, Weimar, 2020
Gestaltung: Bucharchitektur | Kathrin Schmuck, Kiel
128 farbige, 315 schwarz-weiße Abbildungen und Pläne
fadengebundene Hohlrückenbroschur mit Schutzumschlag, 384 Seiten
Deutsch/ English
Größe: 23 x 30 cm
ISBN 978-3-944425-12-2
Kjellander Sjöberg: Magnolia restaurant near Stockholm
The entire district of Stora Sköndal in southern Stockholm is currently undergoing an extensive transformation. During the first stage of the urban development, a new main street and a local square will be formed. KS was commissioned to design a vibrant meeting place by the new square, a building with a flexible programme serving as a restaurant and a gathering point.
Building extension that activates
The project comprises a redesign of the existing brick building of the Magnolia complex and reorganizing the existing large-scale catering kitchen to serve two sides: a large canteen for students and public as well as a new à la carte restaurant. The form of the extension is simple; a generous roof with overhanging eaves echoing the serial roof structure of the existing Magnolia complex. The restaurant will act as a vibrant and illuminated backdrop to the square as well as create a new main entrance to Magnolia with all its functions of a health care facility and a university college.
Photos: Rasmus Hjortshøj – COAST
A flexible space
The extension is laid out to work as a communal space with a canteen and a bar, and an adjacent smaller volume forming a new entrance to both the restaurant as well as the whole Magnolia complex. The individual spaces can be kept open or closed separately, enabling different kinds of use during the day. In summer, the movable glass partitions can be opened towards the square. The canteen is designed to house different kinds of events with various seating arrangements, allowing the functionality to be altered and developed over time.

Distinct, tectonically articulated carcass
The structural frame of the extension is made of prefabricated laminated timber elements, loadbearing columns and beams securing shear and lateral stability. The diagonal form of the carcass constitutes the unifying element providing the building with its distinct characteristics and detailing as well as creating a subdivision of the space. The floor will be made of polished cast-in-situ concrete.

Release: Kjellander Sjöberg, Stockholm
Architektur lesen! - Architekturpolitik in Finnland
Architekturpolitik in Finnland
Wie Baukulturelle Bildung gelingen kann Turit Fröbe
Jovis Verlag, Berlin
1. Auflage, 2020
Klappenbroschur, 192 Seiten, 50 farb. und s/w Abb.
Größe 18,5 cm x 26,5 cm
ISBN 978-3-86859-617-5
eBook Deutsch
ISBN 978-3-86859-937-4
ISBN 978-3-86859-616-8
Infektionsrisiko: Luftreiniger beseitigen 90 Prozent der Aerosole in Schulklassen
Zur Dämmung der obersten Geschoßdecke GABA-Verbundelemente
Schulbau-Holzmodulanlage zieht um